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Missle Launchers

How to make a missle launcher
Well to start off a ML is not an easy thing to make it takes time because making the metal wall that house the missle inside the pvc are hard to cut and mount. but once that is done you have nothing close to hard after that. I think you should try to make this "paperwieght" because it will be worth it in the long run!

  Supplies-4" pvc pipe this should be about 4 ft. long
-rocket launching pad
-glue gun
-sheet of metal for inside of the ML 4 ft. long
-anything needed for cutting and setting the sheets of metal inside of the pvc pipe

First start by measuring the pipe for how long, and wide your metal walls need to be. cut them into four seperate peices all the same size. Then aline them into the pvc pipe so they make a square. use the glue to hold these peices in place. Now that that is done all you need to do is use the glue gun to glue the rocket launcher pad to the top of the pvc pipe for easy launching, this is optional but i think it works best, you may want to try useing a cannon fuse for the rockets. They are better and you can rely on them but the only thing that is bad with them is that they are hard to find and when you find them you need to be over 18 to buy them. That is all that needs to be done to the ML its self but you will need to make your own missles you need to do this because it will be hard to find ones that will fit into the ML. Plus you will need to make two sets of fins the same size on the bottom of the rocket and near the top so the rocket leaves the ML strait. I will say that to make the missles not tight to the ML because if you dont it may not have enough power to leave the chamber. If you find the rocket not leaving the barrol it may be because it has nothing tp push off of i have not had this trouble because i use large engine rockets but this may be a problem with the a, b, and c engines this is easly fixed by adding some sort of metal plate to push off of. If you are needed to do this i recamend adding thicker metal to the back of the ML becuase of the heat the engines will give off.