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Tennis Ball Cannon

Fun yet slightly stupid
A tennis ball cannon is a easy to make project. If you are a beginer in this stuff i suggest you start with this one first because it is simple and less dangerous than the other guns/cannons on this page.

how to shoot You take a thing of lighter fluid, the more expensive kind because the cheaper you get the less explosive power in it! You scwirt some down into the cannon and wait for it to get to the bottom can. Then you put the tennis ball down into it. this blocks the hole for the next procedure. Now take the cannon and wav it around to vaporize the lighter fluid this might take about a min or two. Then light the match and put it into the hole at the bottom and watch the f*cker fly out the top. caution you may burn your hands alittle the first time till you get use to it, i suggest useing those fire place matches you know the ones that are really long....n have fun.....weighting paper

Get three soup cans and cut out the tops and bottoms with a can opener so that you can slide a tennis ball down it. Then file the first two cans down so that it does not snage the tennis ball flying out the top. leave the third can alone (just cut dont file) because this can will need to stop the ball from falling down into it. Then with your fourth can gat that triangular hole puncher for juice cans and punch as meany holes as you can on the top of this can with out cutting off the top. Now take a drill and drill a hole into the side of the fourth can about an inch from the bottom. If you dont have a drill use a sharp tool like a screw driver top get the job done. This hole only needs to be large enough to put a match threw. Now all is needed to do is to duck tape all the cans together with alot of ducktape i mean ALOT!!!